Match 4: Gavin Reigns vs. Steve Stiles vs. Zach Daniels
Gavin approaches Steven Stiles to help him train for an upcoming matchup with Flying Ryan. The two agree to just 'have a good workout, nothing too rough, or crazy, just some good old fashioned friendly wrestling practice.' Arrangements like this never last very long: competitive juices get flowing, eventually somebody applies a hold too hard, tempers flare, things are said that you can't take back. After some good back and forth wrestling, a stiff armbar by Gavin takes the practice to the next dangerous level. The two call out a referee to settle this once and for all. The two put on an impressive display of innovative holds and counters such as; bridging Indian deathlocks, high angle single leg crabs, bow 'n' arrow locks, suspended surfboards, and much more. Suddenly hulking beefy heel Zach Daniels, emerges from the shadows and challenges both grapplers to a handicap match! He knocks both their heads together and starts to go to work on Steven Stiles. It's a completely different match now. Before, the action was very technical-- back and forth holds. Zach Daniels is all about big powerful slams, and high impact strikes. Big slams, suplexs, backbreakers, clotheslines, and DDTs have the newfound tag team on the verge of defeat until they're able to rally with several impressive double teams on the big man, including a spectacular double top rope missile dropkick! Can they keep the momentum in their favor, or will big Zach make them pay for their resilience? A fantastic finish!