Match 5: The Finglas Hooligans (Hooligans) vs. Viper
Before his 2 on 1 match, Viper tells us that he sick and tired of the Hooligans' cheating ways and he needs none of that to gain a victory. All he needs is his heart, his Irish pride, and his impressive physique to back him up. The larger Viper challenges the devilish duo to a test of strength, only to be brought to his knees and kicked in the abs. Viper powers out and soon has the evil pair crying their hearts out. Viper easily contends with each Hooligan individually but is soon brought low by the pair's doubleteaming tactics. Hung upside down in a tree of woe, Viper is stunned by a running baseball slide to the face! A simultaneous figure 4 leglock and choking headscissors almost spell doom for the Irish hero. The Hooligans continue to work on Viper's legs with back to back crabs and ankle locks. But Viper is soon back on his feet, and the Hooligans may have taken on more than they can handle. A double pin caps off another sensational match!